Teddies by Laura Lynn

One of a Kind and Small Limited Edition Collectible Artist Teddy Bears Designed + Created by Teddy Bear Artist Laura Lynn Matthews

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Find Us on Facebook!

Are you on Facebook?  Seems like practically everyone is... even my Mom and Step Mom!  I've been on Facebook for quite a while now, but I'm always finding new things I can do.  One of those new things is to set up a storefront!  

If you are a "fan" of Teddies by Laura Lynn on Facebook, you will automatically get a discount (of at least 10%) on bears bought from my Facebook shop (before they go to my website).  Just click the "like" button below! 

New Bear & Bunnies - Sneak Previews!

Hi everyone!  I'm sorry I didn't get to post preview photos of the bears for the New Hampshire show.  I had a great show and have only a few "kids" who came home with me.  Monty is the top bear and is 14" tall.  Georgia is a small 5" mini bunny rabbit and Violet is one of my Pocket Bunnies.

They will be up on my website later, but their "Sneak Previews" can be seen in my Facebook Storefront here (and are available for immediate adoption)

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's been a while I know!

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything - on my blog or on my website!  I have been working on bears -- some custom orders and also working on bears for a show coming up - The New England Teddy Bear Gathering (show on Saturday April 16th)

Back in the last week of 2010, I had injured my back by driving too much and lifting too much.  I had ended up in the Emergency Room 3 times in one week!  I had not been able to sit for over 2 months -- I'd save any "sitting time" for when I had to drive.  Well, now I'm happy to report that I am finally able to "sit"! (and stay LOL!)  I had not realized how much not being able to sit affected my bear making.

Stay tuned... I hope to have some show preview photos up before the show.  I hope you all have a great week!