Teddies by Laura Lynn

One of a Kind and Small Limited Edition Collectible Artist Teddy Bears Designed + Created by Teddy Bear Artist Laura Lynn Matthews

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Halloween Bear coming soon!!!!

I think I had mentioned before that I had a request in my "Teddy Bear Suggestion Box" for a Halloween Bear.

Here is that first bear... Charlie! He is a one of a kind bear - I only had one of these adorable little sweaters :) Charlie did get adopted by the bear mom that put the suggestion into the box.

I am, however, very close to finishing my second Halloween bear - a Candy Corn Clown Bear.

He will be a the first One of a Kind bear in a series of Candy Corn Clowns. Stay tuned!!!

Unfortunately though, I threw my back out again... arrrggghhh!!! I was doing so good for over a year!!! It's bad enough for me to need to take muscle relaxers, which really knock me out >:( But he will get done very soon!!!!



  • At September 16, 2008 , Blogger Bev said...

    he's a cutie! Can't wait to see the Candy Corn bears (that was always one of my favorite Halloween candies!)

    Sorry to hear you've hurt your back -- I share your pain, having done that several times myself

    Hope you're "back in the saddle" again soon!!


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