Teddies by Laura Lynn

One of a Kind and Small Limited Edition Collectible Artist Teddy Bears Designed + Created by Teddy Bear Artist Laura Lynn Matthews

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I was talking with my friend Daphne of Back Road Bears - about when we injure ourselves.

As we packed up Daphne's truck to take me to the airport to come back home from The Maine Teddy Bear Show - I smashed my finger in the truck door - OUCH!

Earlier this week, Daphne was using her rotary cutter and sliced her finger open - OUCH!

On Sunday we had torrential rains and I was outside trying to fix the downspout on the outside of our house - and managed to rip open the skin that connects your thumb to the rest of you hand - OUCH!

You know the first thing that jumps to both of our minds when these things happen.... not "ouch" - but - "Will this become a problem for me in making bears?" We DO have our priorities LOL!!!

And yes, we always end up stabbing ourselves with needles too.... sometimes BIG ones! And then the first thought that pops into our minds is "Oh no, I hope I didn't get blood on my bear!" (then... "ouch!")


  • At August 22, 2007 , Blogger BumbleVee said...

    That is exactly what happens! Well, for me ...first I swear right out loud...then, check the bear or doll for blood... ...then .. ouch..ow...ow....

    Hope you both are back to normal... our fingers are pretty darn important.

  • At August 23, 2007 , Blogger Sarah said...

    And it was about fingers too! Weird... :o)

    Hope your fingers are ok!


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